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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Yeah, they piss me off too.

You know what really will piss a girl off,  but make her happy at the same time? The guy she likes. I don't want guys to take all the blame, but they take the most of it. Sometimes, I have trouble getting into an interesting conversation with this one guy. I also seem to have trouble getting his attention. Here are some tips to help you with the same problem.

1. Be yourself. No one likes fake people. This is the most common tip, but it works.
2. Smile. Its friendly and inviting.
3. Don't obsess. Really. Its creepy.
4. Find out what he is interested in, and talk to him about it. Don't pretend to be interested, though.
5. Make sure you have your own life. If you are busy he might become interested.
6. Don't constantly text him. Have a nice conversation, but if he doesn't text back don't worry. There is always a good reason they didn't text back.
7. Keep the mystery. Don't tell him everything about you all at once, let him figure it out on his own.
8. If it doesn't work out, don't freak. If it doesn't work out don't let that shoot you down. It didn't work for a reason.
9. Don't believe what you hear. Figure it out for yourself.
10. Compliment them. Make them feel good.
11. Make them think of you. Just say hi.

This link has some good tips, but don't over-do it.
7 steps to get him to like you

Love, Sidney

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