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Monday, January 30, 2012

Is cheerleading a sport?

Yes. Cheer leading is a sport. It has a defined set of rules and there are tons of competitions. To anyone who has seen a cheer competition you will know that there is a lot of hard work that goes into it. If you have ever seen someone tumble and say that cheer leading is not a sport you are crazy. I am fascinated by tumbling. I am working at it. I was having this argument with my friend Elijah, he says that cheer leading is not a sport because we don't run into each other and obtain bruises throughout basketball games, and we don't get 'run over' throughout basketball games, which is not true. We fall. All the time. Besides, in cheer you are not supposed to get bruises. He claims that for a sport it requires a lot of running and stamina. In cheer you need tons of stamina to do the whole competition routine. You have to be tight, tumble, and hit every motion on the right count, and smile while doing it. I have noticed that guys are the ones that think that it is not a sport, and girls do. This conversation gets me all worked up all the time. People think we are all peppy, snobby, bitches. Its not true. Cheer is a sport.

Guy cheerleaders. I have a deep respect for male cheerleaders. Everyone makes such a big deal about guys being cheerleaders. Not all of them are gay, some are, not all. Guys just happen to be some of the best tumblers around. They have power and strength. Not that girls don't, but guys just naturally have more.

Sidney <3

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Words to live by.

1. Never talk yourself into liking a guy.
2. If you have to think twice, don't do it.
3. If your guy acts different to your parents than to you, don't date him.
4. 'I can' is 100% better than IQ
5. Your couch shouldn't be the only thing that pulls out.
6. If a guy tells you about a girl, don't get jealous, he has nothing to hide.
7. Don't let a sweet text cover up an ugly lie.
8. Don't judge a book by its cover.
9. Travel the road less traveled.
10. You are to judge your own wealth, no matter what someone else says.
11. Gingers have no souls.
12. Gingers should be given pity because, they have no life or brain or beauty but the red tone in their head sends off a vibe of "I don't give a fuck"
13. If her legs are like taco bell (Gross, full of unknowns, and open 24/7) She might be a whore.
14. A guy who can't handle you in sweat pants, doesn't deserve you in a wedding dress.
15. A slut is a girl who is whoreible at closing her legs.
16. If you treat someone like a celebrity, be prepared to be treated like a fan.
17. The pain makes you high, but the truth never lies.
18. If a guy can't handle all of you, he doesn't deserve any of you.
19. In the end everything is okay. If its not okay, its not the end.
20. Whores tend to ban together.

Well, these are just a few words that every girl needs to live by.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

My little ones:)

This post is about my hermit crabs. I know the joke "Oh, Sidney has crabs" I do. Just not that type. I have hermit crabs. Four of them. Their names are Java, Reefer, Ian, and Larry. I take very good care of them. I got my first one when I went to Myrtle beach. I saw a big cage FULL of painted hermit crabs. So, I eventually talked my parents into letting me buy one. I bought one and at first I named him Ivan, but later changed it to Larry. Sage was sooooo afraid of him. But then again, so was I. Then somewhere I read, despite the name, hermit crabs thrive on the company of other hermit crabs. So I got an aquarium from one of my friends, Grace, and I went and bought two more. I let my two friends Audrie and Chandler name them. Audrie named the only girl of the bunch, Java. Chan named Reefer. Since then I have gained a new friend named Ian. This kid is so funny. So, I told him I would name a hermit crab after him. Hence the name Ian.
                                                            Reefer on the left. Ian on the right.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Stay home..or go to school?

Well, today I was faced with a decision. I had a killer headache. I get these often. I had to choose between going to school or staying home and missing the game tonight. So, i chose the best of both worlds. I will stay home for a few hours and go in once I feel better. I am going in at 12 so this must be a fast blog post for right now.

I have tons of stuff that needs to get done today or tomorrow.

1. Clean my fish tank. Its filthy.
2. Give Hannah back all of her shit.
3. Get all of my shit back from Hannah.
4. re-dye my hair. My purple is faded.
5. Party. That is self explanatory

Well, that is not a ton but it still needs to get done. Well, I gotta go to school!

<3 Sid-nayy*

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Worst fears.

I am afraid of many things, but I only have a few worst fears.

1. Tornadoes. I HATE tornadoes. I always freak out whenever it storms because I know there is a possibility. They freak me out!

2. Ghosts. I am convinced that my house is haunted. It scares me. In my room I have beads on all my door knobs, and the other night I was so close to sleep that I didn't realize it until the morning that those beads were making noise. Yeah, right? I think part of it is that I watch so many scary shows/ movies.

3. Surgery. I have an odd fear of going under. Like whenever they make you sleep. It scares the hell out of me.

4. Pills. I have another odd fear of swallowing pills. I have to dissolve them in a spoon of water then wash it down with more water. Yeah, I know. Its weird. No matter how bad the pain is I can't take the whole thing. I have only swallowed 2 pills in my entire life, when I was in the hospital after I broke my leg.

5. Being alone. I am afraid that I will not find someone to marry and whatnot when I get older. I never worried about this until a few years ago. Haha.

No pants Thursdays!

Recently a few friends and I came up with a week by week what to wear. It goes like this...

Monday- Normal. Dress in whatever we would like.

Tuesday- TOMS. Everyone wears their toms.

Wednesday- Wacky/ pink. We wear bright colors, usually pink.

Thursday- This is many of my friends favorite, as well as mine. No pants Thursday. We wear leggings instead of pants.

Friday- V-neck/ dress up. All of my friends that do this are cheerleaders. So usually we have to dress up or wear a certain thing, depending on what our coach says.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Follow me!!/thissgirl44

Ben :)

This post is dedicated to my nephew, Benjamin Cody Schaffner. I have never loved anything so much in my entire life. He will be 2 on July 10th. He is a little ball of joy. My brother, Cody, was 17 when little Benji was born. My brother and his girlfriend, Abby, live together in Van Wert. I wish this was not the case because I am not a fan of my brothers girlfriend. Long story. Benji just happens to be playing with my mom in the kitchen while I sit on the couch listening them play, while my dad and Cody play words with friends on my kindle fire. I got my dad addicted. It is so funny about how mad he gets sometimes. But now back to my point. Benji is the most beautiful baby in the entire world. With his mothers blue eyes and that side of the families blond hair, and Cody's face. Plus, I gave him some diet mountain dew, so he is running around like crazy right now. I hope he turns out like the amazing boy I know he will be. :)

This girl!

Hi, my name is Sidney. There is not much to me.
1. I'm hyper. All the time. Ask anyone.
2. I am boy crazy. There are few boys that catch my eye, but once they do, I like to keep them there.
3. I trust people too easily.
4. I get hurt a lot. Whether its by a friend or a guy I like.
5. I date assholes.
6. I have few people I can count on. There is Justin, Audrie, Chelsi, and Janelle.
7. My old best friend is 100% crazy. Long story.
8. I have liked the same guy for about 3 years.....I know right?
9. I am a Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest addict.
10. I like to keep things simple.
11. There are a bunch of rumors out there about me that my ex Trevor, and my old best friend have started. If you want to know if one is true, ask me. I wont lie.
12. I am stubborn as hell.

That pretty much sums me up. :)