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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Ben :)

This post is dedicated to my nephew, Benjamin Cody Schaffner. I have never loved anything so much in my entire life. He will be 2 on July 10th. He is a little ball of joy. My brother, Cody, was 17 when little Benji was born. My brother and his girlfriend, Abby, live together in Van Wert. I wish this was not the case because I am not a fan of my brothers girlfriend. Long story. Benji just happens to be playing with my mom in the kitchen while I sit on the couch listening them play, while my dad and Cody play words with friends on my kindle fire. I got my dad addicted. It is so funny about how mad he gets sometimes. But now back to my point. Benji is the most beautiful baby in the entire world. With his mothers blue eyes and that side of the families blond hair, and Cody's face. Plus, I gave him some diet mountain dew, so he is running around like crazy right now. I hope he turns out like the amazing boy I know he will be. :)

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