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Friday, January 27, 2012

Stay home..or go to school?

Well, today I was faced with a decision. I had a killer headache. I get these often. I had to choose between going to school or staying home and missing the game tonight. So, i chose the best of both worlds. I will stay home for a few hours and go in once I feel better. I am going in at 12 so this must be a fast blog post for right now.

I have tons of stuff that needs to get done today or tomorrow.

1. Clean my fish tank. Its filthy.
2. Give Hannah back all of her shit.
3. Get all of my shit back from Hannah.
4. re-dye my hair. My purple is faded.
5. Party. That is self explanatory

Well, that is not a ton but it still needs to get done. Well, I gotta go to school!

<3 Sid-nayy*

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