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Saturday, January 28, 2012

My little ones:)

This post is about my hermit crabs. I know the joke "Oh, Sidney has crabs" I do. Just not that type. I have hermit crabs. Four of them. Their names are Java, Reefer, Ian, and Larry. I take very good care of them. I got my first one when I went to Myrtle beach. I saw a big cage FULL of painted hermit crabs. So, I eventually talked my parents into letting me buy one. I bought one and at first I named him Ivan, but later changed it to Larry. Sage was sooooo afraid of him. But then again, so was I. Then somewhere I read, despite the name, hermit crabs thrive on the company of other hermit crabs. So I got an aquarium from one of my friends, Grace, and I went and bought two more. I let my two friends Audrie and Chandler name them. Audrie named the only girl of the bunch, Java. Chan named Reefer. Since then I have gained a new friend named Ian. This kid is so funny. So, I told him I would name a hermit crab after him. Hence the name Ian.
                                                            Reefer on the left. Ian on the right.

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